Sunday, October 13, 2013

Next travel destination...

If I was to travel anytime soon, I would choose to visit South Korea!

Why would I travel to South Korea? Well I have a few friends I would love to visit. Plus from all the K-Pop and Korean Dramas I have seen, South Korea showcases this amazing blend of traditions and culture with western influences and modern technology.

Also I have heard the shopping at South Korea is great! Shops close at 4am - so no rest for the shopaholic.

To travel to South Korea, I would take the luxury of flying economy class on some kind of aircraft, most likely a airbus or a boeing. This would be the fastest way to go from Melbourne, Australia to Seoul, South Korea. It will take approximately about over 11 hours to travel across 8,549 kilometers.

Reference: Travel Math, 2013, 'Flight Distance from Melbourne, Australia to Seoul, South Korea is:', retrieved 10 October 2013, <,+Australia/to/Seoul,+South+Korea>.

I will definitely need my friends or a handy dandy travel guide to get around South Korea. The primary language spoken is Korean and due to my limited to zilch vocabulary there might be a few mis-communications waiting to happen!

On top of the difference of the language being spoken between Australia and South Korea, there will be definitely some other observable differences. The food, the people, the culture and the fact that they drive on the right hand side of the road!. But in some ways there would be some similarities between us for example the cities - the skyscrapers, cars, noise, the hustle and bustle of people and the technology used.

Korean vs Australian cuisine

In the end, I know travel will broaden my horizons and further my understandings of this world. So, hopefully one day I will be able to visit this beautiful country called South Korea and watch their cherry blossoms fall.